fórmula vencedora



Fórmula Vencedora, Experts in Business Interruption Insurance is a company whose main activity is Business Interruption insurance itself (known in Portugal as ‘Seguro de Perdas de Exploração’) in the field of technical expertise, training, consulting and loss adjusting reports to Insurance Companies, Brokers and other companies.

Besides these activities, it also develops expertise services in Property Insurance, Accounting and Tax Training targeted to professionals of the insurance activity, Insurance Audit, Accounting Expertise, and Economic and Financial Studies.

The company is based on the knowledge of its managing partner, the economist Alfredo Soares da Cruz, with professional activity in the consulting and auditing area, Business Management and Administration, as well as in the specific area of Business Interruption Insurance since 1985.

We have work experience in the field of alternative energies (Wind Farms, Mini-hydraulics, Cogeneration, and Biomass), textile, automobile industry, pulp production, Food industry, cork, wood industry, distribution, etc., for several insurance companies, brokers and other entities.

Several training courses were carried out by Fórmula Vencedora in the field of BII, namely to Insurance Companies, Loss Adjusting Companies, having been attended by loss adjusting experts, Process Managers, Incidents Managers, Brokers, etc.

Alfredo Soares da Cruz is registered as chartered accountant (TOC) with the OTOC, member of the CNPR (Câmara Nacional dos Peritos Reguladores), affiliate of FUEDI, as President of the Analysis and Financial Auditing Committee, with responsibilities in the area of Business Interruption Policy training, and is also a member of IPAI.

Fórmula Vencedora has partnerships with several loss adjusters companies to the supply of integrated solutions, and follows up the evolution of the Business Interruption Insurance in the international market in the fields of expertise, subscription, legal framework and risk management.